Currency Rate US Dollar to USD

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The United States Dollar (USD), symbolized as $, is the official currency of the United States and is widely used internationally in trade, finance, and as a global reserve currency.


Buying rate

$ 1.000000

Selling rate


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The United States Dollar (USD), symbolized as $, is the world's primary reserve currency, reflecting the economic might and global influence of the United States.

Currency Details
Symbol: $
Subunits: 1 Dollar = 100 cents
Banknotes and Coins
The United States Dollar is available in both coins and banknotes:

Coins are available in denominations of
1 cents
5 cents
10 cents
25 cents
50 cents
1 dollar

Current banknotes in circulation:
$2 (rarely used)
The banknotes and coins of the United States Dollar feature images of past presidents, important historical figures, national symbols, and landmarks.

History and Background
Since 1792, the U.S. Dollar has been the official currency of the United States, managed by the Federal Reserve System (the Fed).

Economic Significance
The USD is the lifeblood of the global economy, greasing the wheels of international trade, investment, and everyday transactions. The U.S. boasts a diversified economy with powerhouses like tech, finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and services.

Usage and Exchange
The U.S. Dollar is universally accepted for all transactions around the world. Within the U.S., it's the go-to for everything from daily purchases to major business deals. Visitors and expats can exchange their currency for USD at banks, exchange offices, and ATMs. Credit and debit cards are widely accepted, making things smooth for tourists.

The U.S. Dollar is more than just money; it's a symbol of economic stability, global influence, and American identity. Understanding the USD is crucial for anyone navigating the global economy, whether you call the U.S. home or are just visiting. The stability and ease of access of the U.S. Dollar play a vital role in the global economic system.